Tailoring Your Outreach: Segmentation Strategies for Custom Apparel Email Campaigns

Unlock the Power of Custom Apparel Email Marketing: Tailor outreach, boost engagement, and drive success in digital marketing!

Tailoring Your Outreach: Segmentation Strategies for Custom Apparel Email Campaigns

Imagine the situation: you have decided to invest time and money in email marketing for your apparel business and read a dozen books and articles. You have collected subscribers, packaged your offers, and sent emails out. And then, instead of additional sales, an increase in the average check, and other benefits, you get a disgusting open rate of emails, a high percentage of unsubscribes, and, even worse, getting on spam lists. Your efforts are wasted. 

This can be avoided by segmenting your subscriber base. When subscribers receive the newsletter according to their interests and needs, they are often more likely to open it, read it, and take the necessary actions. Tested.

Segmentation according to the sales funnel

This segmentation strategy for apparel businesses divides the process into 3 stages:

  • Stage 1. The user subscribed to the newsletter. The goal is to show the value of custom apparel and motivate people to buy it. 
  • Stage 2. First order. The goal is to convince the user to buy your custom apparel. Accordingly, to show its advantages.
  • Stage 3. New orders. Upon completion, the user receives an offer to order several other custom apparel products, which is more favorable in terms of money. 

This simple strategy helps many сustom pool swimsuits businesses to increase the number of payments and reduce user churn.

Segmentation by subscriber activity

It is another solution that is simple to the point of impossibility. As usual, active and potential customers receive the same newsletter. But it is much more effective to prescribe separate scenarios.

Those who have not bought your custom apparel – receive a guide to what you can offer them, samples, and help from the support team. Those who have already bought apparel – receive recommendations on new custom apparel.

For inactive subscribers, you can send special offers for a free delivery every 7, 21 and 90 days (if there is no response). This technique can help you to wake up 2% of the inactive base, which is usually considered dead.

Segmentation by content or user interests

You’ve probably seen many apparel companies have a subscription setting: what topics you’re interested in reading. You choose and get only the content you want. The only problem in this case is to create a proper SEO content strategy to cover several areas.

Segmentation by website page traffic

Entry points – play an important role. It is where the subscriber came from (from contextual advertising, social networks, guest posts, etc). This is because you can drive traffic to different pages to understand the interests and needs of the audience. From Instagram, for example, to one page. From PPC – on another, etc. Utilizing web analytics tools can help you track these entry points and gain deeper insights into audience behavior.

Contextual advertising mainly attracts hot visitors. You can directly talk about the custom apparel and send a newsletter with the advantages and benefits of your apparel, samples, etc. 

Guest posts in third-party media – on the contrary, cold traffic. Here, it is logical to send people to a page with educational materials. In the newsletter, it is better to advise on, for example, how best to design custom apparel.

Segmentation by double opt-in

This is when you ask in your newsletter, “To verify your registration, please click on the link…”. On the one hand, it annoys many subscribers. On the other hand, it cuts off the unnecessary audience. 5-10% “fall off”. However, it is for the best. If a person has made such an effort, he is interested in the apparel or what you write.

At the same time, you should not immediately “score” those who refuse to verify the subscription. Try to activate them. You can simply ask, “Why haven’t you confirmed your subscription? Don’t you need help?”. You should provide an opportunity to write back, of course (so we advise you to send the newsletter from a real address, not no-reply).

Reads / Doesn’t read the newsletter

Create a separate sheet for those who subscribed but haven’t opened any emails since. Don’t rush to delete them from your database in anger. There are 1,000 and 1 reasons why such sadness might occur. Send a “resuscitation” newsletter with a provocative headline.

Apply with caution and a sober mind because not every audience is affected by such tricks. Well, the reaction from some of your subscribers will be violent.

Segmentation by newsletter response

Encourage subscribers to respond to your emails and encourage them to engage in dialog. What it provides:

  • User identification. You’ll be able to build a list of more engaged subscribers, “fans” of the brand.
  • Your email domain will be whitelisted (when a subscriber responds, that mailing will never go to the spam folder).
  • You will understand your audience better and speak the same language with them.

Try sending each new subscriber an email with questions along the lines of “What’s your biggest problem?”, “What exactly are you interested in about apparel?”, etc.

It is a perfect way to understand customer needs!

Segmentation by subscribers’ wishes

Surely, customers have ever advised you to improve something or add new features. If so, it’s worth tracking each such request and segregating them into a separate subscription list with its own email chain.

After implementing what users asked for, Creative Depo sent out a newsletter with the news. As a result, they received feedback from 68% of subscribers, strengthening customer relationships. And they got rave reviews.


In conclusion, employing segmentation strategies in custom apparel email campaigns is a pivotal element for success in the ever-evolving digital marketing landscape. By understanding your target audience’s unique preferences, behaviors, and demographics, you can precisely tailor your outreach, creating personalized experiences that resonate with individual customers.

Segmentation not only enhances the relevance of your email content but also fosters a stronger connection between your brand and the recipient. The ability to deliver tailored messages based on customer interests and purchase history significantly improves engagement rates and conversion potential. This not only boosts the overall effectiveness of your email campaigns but also establishes trust and loyalty among your customer base.

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