Gmail’s Recall Feature: What You Need to Know Before You Hit Send

Gmail’s Recall Feature: What You Need to Know Before You Hit Send

We’ve all been there – you’ve hit send on an email, and then immediately realized that you’ve made a mistake. Maybe you forgot to include an attachment, or you accidentally sent the email to the wrong person. In these moments, the ability to recall an email can be a lifesaver. Gmail’s recall feature allows you to retrieve a message that you’ve already sent. But, there are a few disadvantages of this feature.

In this article, we will delve into the details of Gmail’s recall feature and how Canary can help in recalling emails, providing you with valuable insights to make the most out of this powerful tool.

Undo Send Feature Of Gmail

The undo send feature of Gmail is a tool that allows you to recall an email within a short period of time after sending it. Once you’ve hit the send button, Gmail will give you a brief window of time, typically around 5-30 seconds, during which you can undo the send and recall the email.

This feature is particularly useful if you’ve made a mistake, such as forgetting to attach a file, sending the email to the wrong recipient, or noticing a typo in your message.

The undo send feature is available to all Gmail users and is enabled by default. However, you can adjust the time window for undoing a sent message to suit your preferences. The feature can be accessed on both desktop and mobile devices, making it a convenient tool for anyone who uses Gmail to communicate.

It’s important to note that the undo send feature is not a guarantee that your email will be successfully recalled. There are some limitations to the feature, and it may not work in all cases. For example, if the recipient has already opened or downloaded the email, it cannot be recalled. Additionally, if you’re experiencing connectivity issues, the undo send feature may not work properly.

Disadvantages of Gmail’s Undo Send Feature

While Gmail’s undo send feature offers significant advantages, it also has some limitations that users should be aware of. For those who require more robust and guaranteed message recall, considering an email certification service might be a good option. These services offer features like extended recall windows and read receipts, providing greater control over your email after sending. Here are a few disadvantages:

Time Limitation: The default time window for undoing a sent email in Gmail is maximum 30 seconds, which may not be enough time for reviewing and editing lengthy or complex emails. If you miss the 30-second window, the email will be sent as originally composed, without any chance of recall.

Recipient Actions: Even if you recall an email using Gmail’s undo send feature, there is no guarantee that the recipient hasn’t already seen the email or taken actions based on its content. Once an email is delivered to the recipient’s inbox, it’s out of your control, and any recall attempt may not be effective.

How Canary Can Help in Recalling Emails?

Canary Mail provides you with the ability to recall emails. It has two unique features that can help you avoid potential embarrassments and protect your privacy:

1. Revoking Emails

Have you ever sent an email and realized seconds later that you made a mistake?

With Canary Mail, you can easily revoke an email that you’ve sent as long as it’s still unread by the recipient. Here are a few simple steps to revoke your emails:

  1. Open the email you want to revoke.
  2. Look for the “gear” symbol and click on it.
  3. Select the email that you want to revoke.
  4. Click on the “Revoke” button located at the bottom of the email.

2. Setting Expiry Dates

There are times when you need to send an email that contains sensitive information, such as passwords or financial details. With Canary Mail, you can set an expiry date for your emails. This means that after a certain amount of time, the email will no longer be accessible to the recipient, even if they haven’t read it yet.

The option to set an expiry date can be found in the “Settings” tab. To customize the accessibility time frame of your email, simply click on “Expires.”

That’s it! After the specified expiry date and time, the recipient will no longer be able to access it.


Gmail’s undo send feature is a valuable tool that offers users the ability to retract emails, fix errors, and make changes before the email reaches the recipient’s inbox. However, it has limitations such as the time window for recall and dependence on internet connectivity.

With its advanced features for delayed sending, real-time email tracking, and email recall and destruction, Canary can complement Gmail’s undo send feature. It provide users with enhanced control and flexibility in managing their email communications.

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