Canary helps your team save time by helping write emails & prioritizing what needs attention. Give everyone an AI assistant, and a better Outlook in life :)
Trusted by 500,000+ users around the world.
Tell Canary what you want to say, eg 'Congratulate Elon on buying Twitter', or simply select whether you'd like to reply positively or otherwise. Canary will do the rest!
Stop sifting through your Inbox & just ask 'Do I have any bills due this week?' or 'What time is my flight on Thursday?' or even 'Is anyone waiting for my reply?'
Canary learns from the way you email - what you'd want to read first, who you'd want to reply to - and automatically surfaces the most important stuff for you.
Know what happens after you hit send & get notified as soon as your emails are read.
Handle emails when the time is right - today, tomorrow, or when you’re ready.
Pin important emails and action items to the top of your Inbox for easy access.
Easily unsubscribe from newsletters and marketing emails, without having to dig for the unsubscribe link.
Access PGP on desktop & mobile, or use SecureSend for easy HIPAA compliance.
Prevent phishing, ransomware & account takeover hacks that start with impersonation.
Secure inboxes with Face or Touch ID for enhanced security.
Stop misdirected emails & files that can result in costly data loss.
Privacy-first, always. Your data is yours alone & will never be shared.
Switch to Canary in seconds - no provider migration or learning curve involved.
Control all aspects of how your team uses Canary via a slick cloud-based console.
Get SSO & Directory Sync via Okta, Google, Azure, Workday, etc.
Pay for all geographies & platforms with a single credit card.
Ensure your users remain compliant with your team's security policies.