Canary Mail for Windows – An Overview

Canary Mail for Windows – An Overview

Take a tour of Canary’s interface. 

Welcome to Canary Mail for Windows. This quick walk-through will introduce the important parts of Canary’s window panes and controls. First, the Navigation Bar.

Navigation Bar

The More icon expands or collapses less frequently used folders, such as DraftsOutboxStarredAll MailTrash, and Spam.

1. The Sidebar button shows or hides the Canary sidebar in Windows.

2. The Read Activity displays messages that have been read by the recipient.

3. The Bulk Cleaner icon allows you to bulk-select messages to apply an action to all of them at once. You can archive, delete, snooze, move, pin, star, and mark conversations as read.

4. The Compose button opens the message editor for composition of new messages. 

The Thread Pane

The Thread Pane contains a list of all messages in a folder, topped by Canary’s thread controls.

  • Unread messages appear with blue dots.

The Message Pane

The Message Pane contains message headers (hidden by default), message content, and message controls.

Message Controls

At the top of a message are the message controls.

1. The pin icon will pin a message.

2. The clock icon snoozes the message.

3. This icon will archive the message.

4. The left arrow icon is used for reply and forward message.

5. The more action icon offers access to delete, move, star, unsubscribe and also spam a message.

More Controls

1. By clicking on the recipient name you can copy the address, send a new email, search can show contact info and add to your favorite.

2. The Sidebar button shows more information about user’s files and messages.

3. The More Actions icon includes print and share.